2024 conference
Liquid Gold: realising the potential of your business archive collections
7 November 2024, Glasgow
The Business Archives Council of Scotland and the Business Archives Council are pleased to present our joint conference on the 7th November 2024 in Glasgow. This year's conference is sponsored by Naomi Korn Associates, Preservica and TownsWeb Archiving.
This one-day event will be held at The Macallan from 10.30 – 17.30. There will also be a social networking session over tea & coffee in the morning from 9:30 and and a drinks reception in the evening from 17:45.
The conference will explore ways business archive collections have been used will focus on the tools, systems and programs available to help you preserve your digital records to the highest possible standards and the afternoon will explore the ways available to provide access to this content.
The programme can be found here: https://busarchscot.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/2024-Programme.pdf
General bookings are now open: https://bac.whitefuse.net/events/liquid-gold-making-the-most-of-your-business-archive-assets
Conference fees are as follows for members:
- In Person - £100
- Digital Attendance - £25
There are four bursary places available for those who may require help with attendance costs.
Conference Bursaries
The Business Archives Council of Scotland and the Business Archives Council are each funding two bursaries to attend their joint conference ‘Liquid Gold’ on 7th November 2024.
These bursaries is open to members and non-members of the BAC and BACS.
Applicants for the bursaries need to meet one of the following criteria:
- Be a student or
- Be a recent graduate (in the last 3 years ie graduated by July 2021) or
- Be a qualified archivist, currently out-of-employment (this excludes consultants and freelancers) or
- Be retired from the archives profession or with an interest in business history
The bursary covers full conference attendance, including up to £150 for travel & accommodation expenses (receipts will be required ahead of reimbursement.) The following should also be noted:
- Applicants must confirm that any costs they claim will not be paid by their employer, and that their employer has not already registered them as a delegate at the Conferences.
- Successful applicants will be asked to provide a short report on their experience at the conference to be used in various BAC & BACS communications and encouraged to contribute to the reporting of the conference through social media while the conference is taking place.
How to Apply
Applications must be made by completing the Conference Bursary application form and e-mail the form to Business.Bites.Contact@gmail.com by 15th September 2024. Download the application form here.
We will contact successful applicants with instructions on how to book their place.